Here Vivent SA we are delighted that the #wef has recognised #wearablesforplants in their #emergingtechnology report as a leading solution that will impact the sustainability of farming. We were also delighted to be able to attend the WEF Summer Davos session – Annual Meeting of New Champions #amnc23 in Tianjin China where we were inspired by the range of solutions to solving global issues like #climatechange and #poverty.
We would be delighted to share more information with anyone interested in real-time plant responses to environmental changes and in crop health specifically #agrochem, #biologicals and #cropprotection companies. You will be able to detect crop stressors well before visual symptoms and see how your products are impacting crop health. We are also working with large scale farmers, particularly in high tech greenhouses to improve yields and reduce inputs. #sustainability #farming #tech4good #horticulture #foodsecurity