Real-time alerts direct from your crop enable you to respond to drought, nutrient deficiencies, insect infestations or diseases well before visual symptoms of crop stress appear.

We also work with agrochemical suppliers to help them understand product efficacy in field trials. Farmers can often see when crop treatments are making a difference to plant health and physiology.

Most of our outdoor installations are on permanent crops but we also monitor asparagus, potatoes, sugar beet, maize and soy for full crop cycles. Sensors are installed and remain in place permanently on long life crops. They are currently powered by solar energy. Growers receive email or SMS alerts when crop stress occurs.

Tools for detecting plant stress, particularly abiotic stresses linked to climate change, are essential to guarantee a rational use of water. The first tests in apple orchards show that electrophysiology could quickly become a valuable aid in reducing the ecological footprint of agriculture.

Philippe Money, Agroscope
Year-round strawberries, on demand

Detected calcium deficiencies in strawberries prior to visual symptoms

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