We contribute to healthier people, plants, and the biomes that support us all by harnessing nature’s own information networks. Every day, we commit to making agriculture more sustainable and delivering client value with the lowest environmental impact.
What do we say?
As a certified BCorporation we have embedded making a positive impact in our company articles.
“The company shall have a material positive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, through its business and operations.”
B Corporation Certification
In December 2021, Vivent Biosignals achieved its B Corporation certification with one of the highest scores in Switzerland. As a Benefit Corporation, we meet rigorous social and environmental standards which represent our commitment to do business in a meaningful way, by pursuing purpose as well as profit. The B Corp Certification covers the entire business – focusing on five key impact areas: Customers, Governance, Workers, Community, and the Environment
The certification process is extensive, requiring companies to score over 80 points and provide evidence of socially and environmentally responsible practices, energy supplies, waste and water use, worker compensation, diversity and corporate transparency. Vivent Biosignals scored 101.7 in its overall B impact score. 50.9 is the median for ordinary uncertified businesses. Vivent Biosignals is now part of a global community of over 4,500+ certified B Corps. The B Corp Community is reflective of the global economy with businesses from a cross section of industries and sizes.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
A life cycle assessment (also known as life cycle analysis) quantifies and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a product or service. In analysing the entire life cycle of our biosensor (the PSR8), from the extraction of the raw materials to the disposal or recycling of the waste, the environmental impacts associated with a product system are recorded. We aimed for a recording of the impacts of CO2 and therefore climate change in our assessment. For future iterations of the product we now have a baseline of the CO2 cost of our biosensors.
Vivent Biosignals provides insights and autonomous systems based on real-time plant responses to their environment. We support farmers to manage their use of chemical fertilisers better in order to reduce the nitrates that are leached into soil and water, and NO2 that are released to air which is a significant greenhouse gas. We support farmers to better manage their use of crop protection in order to reduce the detrimental effect of these products on biodiversity, soil, water and crop safety. Our policy is to support farmers to reduce their carbon footprint, our technology can be use to help farmers reduce electricity and heating bills and therefore carbon footprint.
Climate change is an important threat to the future of agriculture, due to the increasing numbers of adverse weather events and changes to seasonal weather patterns. Climate change affects water availability, soil fertility and thus, the quantity and quality of food grown. We work with farmers in increasingly adverse conditions to grow food and help them become more resilient by supporting the micro-management of water using our devices, or the development of drought resistant cultivars.
We take our responsibilities toward all our stakeholders seriously. We require that our employees are treated with dignity and respect, we pay fairly, we ensure that they have safe working conditions. We are an equal opportunity employer, we value all employees and job candidates as unique individuals and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to our company. We are committed to our customers’ delight and wellbeing. We constantly strive to give them the best customer service that we can. We have a supplier purchasing policy to encourage the purchase and use of materials, products, and services that incorporate environmental, social, community and performance goals. You can contact us for a copy of this policy which we are continuously updating. Our supplier code of conduct requires that at a minimum we only enter into contractual relationships with suppliers who respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Good governance is about identifying, assessing, and managing risk. We document policies, procedures, and processes to set expectations, establish roles and responsibilities, and communicate commitments. This concerns the executive and all employees, as well as the board of directors. Good governance also means knowing who our suppliers are, what they do and managing risks associated with them.
Gender diversity and equity is a governance issue, Vivent Biosignals has a 40% female representation on its board of directors, as well as 40% female representation in C-suite positions. Research shows that firms with more women in these positions has a greater positive impact on financial performance than less diverse companies.
The certification process is extensive, with company required to score over 80 points and provide evidence of socially and environmentally responsible practices – including energy supplies, waste and water use, worker compensation, diversity and corporate transparency. Vivent Biosignals scored 101.7 in its overall B impact score. 50.9 is the median for ordinary uncertified businesses. Vivent Biosignals is now part of a community of over 4500+ businesses globally who have certified as B Corps. The B Corp Community is reflective of the global economy with businesses from a cross section of industries and sizes.
A life cycle assessment (also known as life cycle analysis) quantifies and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a product or service. In analysing the entire life cycle of our biosensor (the PSR8), from the extraction of the raw materials to the disposal or recycling of the waste, the environmental impacts associated with a product system are recorded. We aimed for a recording of the impacts of CO2 and therefore climate change in our assessment. For future iterations of the product we now have a baseline of the CO2 cost of our biosensors.
Measuring impacts on sustainable agriculture
We measure the impact of our work in different ways:
- Number of plant days
- Percentage of top 100 world crops
- Crop yield – increase in yields from our biosensors and/or reduction in pre-harvest loss
- Water management – autonomous irrigation, reduction in water usage
- Fertiliser use – reduction of fertiliser application through early detection of nutrient deficiencies
- Crop protection – Reduction of application of crop protection
- Number of biostimulants and other preferable crop protection treatments for which we have supported research
- Grower Interventions – reduction in number of grower interventions
- Energy Efficiency – reduction in energy usage for heating and for lighting
The United Nations 2020 agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 goals, to which Vivent Biosignals’ products and research contribute to 8 of these goals
Helping reduce hunger by increasing crop yields
Helping reduce pesticide use and chemical residues in food crops
Equal opportunities employer
Reducing pesticide use leading to cleaner groundwater
Increasing yields and reduced inputs improve farm profitability and sustainability
Encouraging use of machine learning to gain insights into crop stress responses
Diagnosing crop stress before visual symptoms enables farmers to choose environmentally preferrable crop protection methods, like beneficial insects
Reducing agrichemical use by diagnosing disease early means less pollution entering oceans and on farm land