To investigate plant defense inducers activity or smart fertilizers in plants under field conditions using Vivent Biosensors and plant monitoring services
The expected outputs of the pilot project:
Demonstrate detection of Plant Defence Inducer (PDI) based on Vivent’s existing algorithms and models.
Demonstrate detection of smart fertilizers and nutrient activity based on Vivent’s existing algorithms and models
A successful pilot could lead to projects to confirm:
Effectivity: is my treatment effective in reducing plant stress, or stimulation of crop productivity
Duration: How long is my treatment effective?
Application: What application method has the best effect, at what time and under which circumstances?
Vivent can develop:
Specific algorithms which can be quickly deployed in research and product pipeline development to speed up internal product benefit decision making process.
A crop management system customers indicating when PDI activity can be best applied under GH or field conditions with feedback loop from plants
A crop management system customers supporting plant driven fertigation
We were surprised and delighted by these results. Plant electrophysiology can effectively distinguish those plants where the PDI (plant defence inducers) has been effective. We are very interested to see how this technology can help both in our research efforts and on the farm.”
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