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We have been working with a number of plant science researchers who are using Phytl Signs devices to carry out a wide variety of experiments. They are spread out geographically and include researchers from Brazil, China, the USA, the UK, the Netherlands, Israel and France as well as here at home in Switzerland.


Recently we’ve taken the opportunity to visit some of them and we’ve been both inspired and fascinated by the interesting hypotheses they are testing. The research questions range from fundamental investigations on topics like circadian rhythms in plants, to more applied research on plants’ responses to environmental factors like light quality, water stress or soil salinity through to horticultural applications like early warning systems in greenhouses or responses to applied chemicals.


Working with these researchers we are refining both experimental protocols and data analysis techniques as well as the design criteria for the next generation of our devices.


Despite the differences in applications we are seeing some common features in nearly all the research results, which leads us to believe that not only are some scientific breakthroughs imminent but also that techniques directly measuring the electrophysiology of plants will lead to improvements in yield and quality for commercial growers.   It’s early days but these encouraging results have the Phytl Signs team really excited about the future.


We will continue to post updates on our work. If you are interested in finding out more please contact us on


Photos from some of are recent visits are shown….